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Wiring Diagrams for Receptacle Outlets

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This Page contains wiring diagrams for most house receptacle outlets you will encounter including: grounded and ungrounded duplex outlets, priming coat fault circuit interrupters (GFCI), 20amp, 30amp, and 50amp receptacles for 120 volt and 240 V circuits.

Wiring a Grounded Duplex Receptacle Outlet

wiring diagram for a grounded 15 amp, 120 volt duplex receptacle outlet

This is a criterional 15 amp, 120 V wall receptacle mercantile establishment wiring plot. This is a polarized gimmick. The long slot on the leftist is the neutral contact and the short slot is the hot contact. A grounded contact at the bottom, center is crescent shaped. Don't habituate this receptacle when no ground wire is available. This receptacle can typically live found in realistic room and bedroom paries outlets. One of these may be controlled with a switch and/or tense to other outlets in the circuit. For a 15 amp receptacle like this, 14/2 cable with ground should be used to feed the electric circuit.

Wiring an Ungrounded, Polarized Outlet

wiring diagram for a non-grounded, polarized 15 amp, 120 volt outlet

This is an older version of the receptacle electric receptacl in the first diagram. The slots are different sizes to accept polarized plugs, but IT lacks a grounding slot. This outlet does not make use of a priming coat wire and there is nary protection against electrocution as provide away the grounded receptacle. When replacing an ungrounded, polarized receptacle use this type and not the grounded typecast antecedently mentioned unless it is grounded past a jumper wire to a metal issue box that is tied to the house service impanel ground through a continuous metal conduit.

Wiring an Ungrounded, Non-Polarized Sales outlet

wiring diagram for a non-grounded, non-polarized 15 amp, 120 volt outlet

This is the oldest edition of a wall receptacle that you wish feel. It lacks a grounding contact and the plug slots are both the same size. These devices did non make use of a ground cable and some plug slots were toughened the same with regard to polarity. The wires used with these outlets were usually both black. With this configuration whatever telegram in the lap may be hot the least bit times and there's no protection against electrocution. When replacing an ungrounded device in an older circuit like this, use the polarized ane to a higher place and non the grounded receptacle at the top unless it is grounded to a tinny outlet boxwood that is itself grounded to the house electrical plant through a continuous metallike conduit.

Wiring a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter

wiring diagram for a 120 volt outlet protected by a gfci receptacle outlet

There are two sets of detached terminals along a ground fault racing circuit interrupter (gfci) receptacle: the line terminals and the load terminals. The source from the circuit should be socially connected to the line terminals and whatever standard duplex outlet operating theater other device joined to the load terminals will be protected past this gfci. In a kitchen where only one retail store box is available and both a switch for a garbage disposal and a gfci receptacle are necessary, a interchange/gfci combo can be used Eastern Samoa in the diagram at this link.

wiring diagram for two 120 volt gfci outlets in a circuit

To telegraph more than one GFCI receptacle in the same circuit, connect the author to the tune terminals on apiece device using a pigtail splice. The load terminals are not used for this circuit. See more GFCI wiring diagrams at this data link.

Wiring Diagram for a 20-Adenosine monophosphate 120-Volt Duplex Receptacle

wiring diagram for a 20 amp, 120 volt receptacle outlet

A 20 amp, 120v duplex receptacle outlet like this should be installed in a circuit using 12 awg cable and a 20 amp lap breaker. These receptacles are usually found in kitchen wall outlets where two subdivision circuits are necessary to serve shrimpy appliances and a refrigerator separately. When using this twist for heavy appliances like laundry machines and microwaves, it should Be connected to a dedicated 20-adenosine monophosphate/120-volt circuit circuit breaker. As of 2014, a GFCI receptacle is now obligatory in a laundry board for the laundry machine.

Wiring a 20-Adenosine monophosphate 240-Volt Appliance Receptacle

wiring diagram for a 20 amp, 240 volt receptacle outlet

This outlet is commonly used for a heavy load so much atomic number 3 a large air conditioner. The mercantile establishment should beryllium wired to a holy 20-amp/240-volt circuit breaker in the service panel using 12|2 awg cable. With this wiring, some the black and white wires are accustomed carry 120 volts each and the white wire is wrapped with electrical record to label information technology tropical. This racing circuit doesn't make use of a neutral wire and the primer coat wire is connected to the ground terminal on the gimmick. The slots are organized to accept only plugs from compatible appliances.

Wiring a 30-Adenosine monophosphate 240-Volt Outlet

wiring diagram for a 30 amp, 240 volt outlet for a clothes dryer, no ground

A 30 amp circuit was once the norm for large, high voltage appliances like clothes dryers and kitchen ranges. These receptacles are no more permitted in new installations, but are still occupied where they already exist.

This receptacle provides 240 volts and 30 amps service. A 3-wire cable is needed to conduct ii 120 volt wires and a neutral return for a come of 240 volts. This agreement makes it possible to power the heat elements in the gizmo using the two 120 volts one and 120 volt alone to power timers and lights. The smallest cable allowed for use with a 30-A circuit is 10 underestimate but 8 gauge may also be establish in one of these circuits. The electrical circuit is wired to a dedicated 30 amp circuit breaker.

Wiring Diagram for a 30-Amp Dryer Electric receptacl

wiring diagram for a 30 amp, 240 volt outlet for clothes dryer

This is a newer variation of the outdated 30 amp receptacle appearing in the previous plot. This circuit is used for a new apparel dryer outlet facility. This receptacle has a ground connection non found in the older 30 amp circuit for added protection against electrocution. A 30 AMP electric outlet like this requires 10/3 cable with ground. The cable contains ii 120 volt wires, a neutral wire and a ground conducting wire. This receptacle is related to a dedicated 30 amp circuit breaker and provides a amount of 240 volts to powerfulness the drier heating elements and 120 volts to power lights and other features of the appliance.

Wiring a 50-Adenylic acid, 240-Volt Contrivance Outlet

wiring diagram for a 50 amp, 240 volt receptacle to serve a dryer or electric range

This wiring diagram is used for 50 amp appliance mercantile establishment. The receptacle should be connected to a dedicated 50 amp breaker victimization 6 awg cable. The 50 ampere circuit is mandatory for fres installations of about large appliances requiring 240 volts. Two wires carrying 120 volts each can embody concerted to provide high voltage to heating circuits and one of the 120 volt wires can serve lights or otherwise low voltage circuits in the appliance. The neutral wire provides a return path for the circuit and the ground wire provides extra auspices from burning not found on older 30 AMP, 240 volt contraption hookups.

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Source: https://www.do-it-yourself-help.com/receptacle-outlet-wiring-diagrams.html

Posted by: jeroldskarke.blogspot.com